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Where Can You Find Accurate Company Information and Director’s Detail?

Where Can You Find Accurate Company Information and Director’s Detail?

Do you want to know the details of a company before you enter a relationship or want to update information on an existing customer? Whatever might be your reason, you need to find out the exact source of getting the right information about that legal entity. When it comes to using data found in the public domain you simply cannot rely on any website as all sources are not reputable.

However, you do not have to stress yourself out because now you can basically find out everything about a company just at the click of your mouse depending on the country of incorporation. From the date of registration, to the beneficial owners, and more – you can get them at various websites, but not all websites are trustworthy or authentic.

In order to be successful at finding the data required online a proper company search is to be conducted via the right sources.

However, to make the procedure easier for you, here are a few points that you should go through:

How to find the right company?

Finding the right provider in this case is necessary, you might be able to get the data you require for free or at a nominal charge. The websites are generally designed in a user-friendly way. But yes, make sure that the site has good online ratings and positive customer testimonials in its bag.

Company Search

Company Information Search

Now that I know how to find a website, what should be my next steps?

The first thing you need to know is the business directory search procedure, which is a simple process and can be done by any layman. For this, you need to have one basic information with you such as the name of the legal entity or its unique registration number and then, enter them where it is required in your chosen website; and you will find the results in front of you. If you are in a hurry, then the option of “Quick Search” might also be of good help to you. You will get around 8 to 10 suggestions at this time.

What can I extract from them and is this safe to use?

You have to understand that these are not any tools, these are created and maintained by SMEs who have decades of AML experience and have helped to build KYC tools around the world  So, you can rely on them to provide the best in class solution to conduct a company information search. Professionally developed and appropriate for the corporate sector, it is impossible to hack these tools so consider yourself to be safe while using them and most importantly with some of the information being pulled in real-time rest assure you are obtaining the right data from a primary source.

Any recommendation?

KYC Lookup is becoming a reliable source along the Financial Institution industry to find such company information. It is easy to use and you can get your information just at a few clicks. Simply use this website and find out all the details about a company before you enter a relationship with them, conducting a search via a company search engine such as KYC Lookup can help you a lot in different types of cases.

Finally, all that can be said is that KYC Lookup is a great initiative taken to help people from around the world to access information in a easily and safe manner, most importantly it help to improve the chances of finding company information to fit your internal AML Policy and Procedure.

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